Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

We just got back from Tyler where we spent Easter weekend with my parents. The kiddos had a great time at Gram and Papa's house. Saturday morning we went to an Easter Egg Hunt at my parents church where they had lots of different activities for the kids. Tyler had a good time. He participated in the Egg Hunt but he wasn't too sure what to do in the beginning. After he picked up the first egg he found and realized there were treats inside he went to go find more. He only found two eggs before all the eggs were gone! He didn't seem to worried, he just wanted me to open his treat!

I think we played outside the rest of the day because the weather was gorgeous! Sunday we went to church and then to lunch with some of my mom's family. We went to have barbecue and Papa was trying to get on Cooper's good side. He gave him a rib bone since he is teething and Cooper loved it! Then Papa also gave him some of his ice cream to "help ease the pain!" Only with a second child would we have let him get away with such shenanigans! Before the kids naps we had a little Easter Egg Hunt in the backyard for Tyler. He knew exactly what to do this time and of course had to have a treat afterward!

Cooper enjoying his Easter ribs!

Topping it off with some ice cream! Yummy!

Tyler is very focused on his ice cream!

Hunting for Easter Eggs!

Showing off his treat!


Fleming Family said...

What great pictures of the boys! Cooper's hair isn't even sticking up in the pictures!! I love the ones of Cooper with the rib bone and ice cream. That was a great weekend getting to be outside so much and we loved having so much time with Cooper and Tyler! Thanks for sharing Easter with us. Tyler is now an experienced egg hunter!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah.. cute boys! I hadn't seen pics in so long and haven't sent you any because I don't have your email address. I finally created a blog and found yours. Come visit mine anytime and see what the Berg's are up to.


It's time for our recap of 2012!  This year has brought some major answer to prayers and we have seen the hand of God move in incredible...