Thursday, December 28, 2006

Wasted 4 hours of my life

Wow. That was not a very impressive Holiday Bowl. Sarah can take full responsibility for that loss by not dressing Tyler in A&M gear. We are undefeated when he wears it. What was her response? "I didn't know the game was today". How pathetic is that? Anyways, sorry Ags, but there was no way we were going to win that game without Tyler's lucky shirt. Thanks Sarah. Here are some photoshops of our fearless coach to lighten the offseason mood.

In other news, Tyler is getting faster and faster crawling and is keeping us busy chasing him around. Today he climbed halfway up the stairs(with Sarah's supervision) and seems to have no fear. He has a serious obsession with any kind of doors. He will open and shut them for a long time. Hey, whatever keeps em happy right?

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